About the Plan

Major Plan Elements

Early in the process, the Project Team will collect and analyze data to gain a better understanding of the existing conditions in Steuben County related to agriculture.

Active, underutilized and inactive farms will be identified in Steuben County and a Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) will help to prioritize farmland for protection.

Gathering information from local stakeholders is necessary to develop a comprehensive understanding of the County’s current agricultural economy.

Strategies will be identified to capitalize on the County’s unique agricultural assets to create jobs, preserve agricultural lands, identify markets for local farm goods and foster innovation in the agricultural industry.

Land use and regulatory documents will be reviewed and analyzed for those County municipalities possessing high-priority farmland that is currently under pressure from development. Specific policy and regulatory recommendations will be identified.

The final plan will include an implementation strategy that prioritizes key activities and projects, as well as potential funding strategies and sources. A draft of the plan will be made available to the public for review and comment prior to finalization.
WINTER 2014 & 2015

Get Involved

One way we will keep you informed is through regular project email updates and announcements. Please complete the sign-up form below if you’re interested in receiving these updates. Sign Up Now!

To create as many opportunities for engagement as possible, you will find us at farmers markets and meetings with local farmers. We will also engage residents and other stakeholders at community meetings held at various locations throughout Steuben County. Follow the link below to find out where we’ll be next!

Check Dates

Do you have an idea related to the agricultural industry or farmland preservation? Are you or someone you know involved in an innovative agricultural project? If so, we’d love to know more.

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Maps & Documents

Downloadable Documents

The following documents are available for download and review (select each to view):

The following DRAFT documents are available for download and review (select each to view):

The following DRAFT maps are available for download and review (select each to view):


The Project Team

Team Members

Steuben County Planning Department

We assist the County Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board and the Environmental Management Council. We also provide technical assistance to local municipalities in land use planning and regulation, economic development and environmental protection.

Bergmann Associates

Bergmann provides extensive experience in regional planning, land use planning, farmland protection strategies and farm-to-table initiative and a thorough understanding of what it takes to develop a successful agricultural and farmland protection plan.

Camoin Associates

Camoin Associates is a national market and economic analysis firm with a wide range of experience in regional economic development strategies and initiatives. Bergmann Associates and Camoin Associates have teamed on more than two dozen planning efforts across New York.

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